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Old 11-01-2001, 09:35 AM   #7
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Parabolate
The name "Magdalena" is a bibilcal reference to someone who lost their way, in a religious sense, someone who was once a person of God but is no longer (as in Mary Magdelene, i think).
Uh... Mary Magdelene was a "concubine" who became a woman of God.

Regardless... I think Magdelena is a girl's name, just like most of the songs on the album are names (hence "mer de noms" - "sea of names")... and I think Billy or Maynard wanted her pretty bad. That's what the song is to me, anyway. And that's what the lyrics seem to indicate. Unlike Judith or Eulogy (which is, incidentally, pretty widely accepted to be about L. Ron Hubbard), I see no biblical references in Magdelena.

Pretty fucking great song though.

Re: Judith - Maynard has said that it's about a girl named Judith who is so blinded by her religion that she won't even acknowledge that the song could be about her. Religion was limiting her life, and he saw it and wrote a song about it.

Another interesting song with religous connotations - Metallica's The God That Failed. They don't play this live very often because it's such an emotional song for James. It's about his mother, who was deeply religous. She became sick and refused medical treatment because she felt that God would heal her. Needless to say, she didn't make it. Hence the song. "The healing hand held back by the deepend nail"... it takes on a whole different life when you listen to it realizing what it's really about.

Syc - "Turn it up! Bring tha noize!" hehe. What a great album. But my favorite Anthrax song has gotta be "I'm the Man". Ha. What a great song.
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