Thread: Played?
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Old 08-12-2003, 06:37 PM   #4
Person who doesn't update the user title
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Now granted, we don't know how true any of this shit is at this point. However, since we're already speculating here, why would Dubya wait until September to release this?

Possible reasons:
--The Bush administration wants to make sure it is absolutely certain they're right on this one.
--The Bush administration wants to uplift the spirits of Americans, and with 9/11 coming up in less than a month, it's the perfect time to reveal the info.
--This was leaked out to further incense the Democrats, perhaps to further marginalize them.
--Bush is going to play 9/11 like a fiddle for political gain.

I'll go with all of the above, but of course, let's see if it actually happens first.

Now, the British dossier...well, you could go with the same reasons, just change "Bush administration" to "Blair government".

(Incidentally, I was generally pleased with the Town Hall Meeting last night. Sure, you had typical Democrat rhetoric, but it was nice to hear what they had to say.

And Sharpton stole the show.)
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