Thread: Star Trek
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Old 11-25-2008, 09:12 PM   #33
King Of Wishful Thinking
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Originally Posted by Sundae Girl View Post
My bad all round. I was reacting simply to the trailer, and my memory of finding out Deanna Troi naturally has an English accent - like it was some flaw which had to be airbrushed out.

Turns out we get a real Scotty in this film too - good old Obi Wan himself!
Silly for accents to bug me, when I loved Ewan as Alec Guinness and Tennant as an English Doctor.

Why do I hate America?
You're all also forgetting that Yvonne Strahovski, the uber babe in Chuck is Australian. In fact she does such a great non-accent in the series that it seems odd when she uses her real speaking voice.

Not only is her character hot and dangerous, but also a nerd lover.
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