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Old 11-01-2001, 05:54 PM   #8
Person who doesn't update the user title
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Originally posted by dhamsaic
Uh... Mary Magdelene was a "concubine" who became a woman of God.
Let's skip the quotes here...she was a hooker.

Another interesting song with religous connotations - Metallica's The God That Failed. They don't play this live very often because it's such an emotional song for James. It's about his mother, who was deeply religous. She became sick and refused medical treatment because she felt that God would heal her. Needless to say, she didn't make it. Hence the song. "The healing hand held back by the deepend nail"... it takes on a whole different life when you listen to it realizing what it's really about.
Yeah, weren't his parents Christian Scientists? Speaking of him, I haven't followed the band lately. I hope his detox/treatment is going well.

Syc - "Turn it up! Bring tha noize!" hehe. What a great album. But my favorite Anthrax song has gotta be "I'm the Man". Ha. What a great song.
"I'm on your case. I'm in your face. Kick you and your father back in place. Step off sucker! Understand? Don't you know? I'M THE MAN!" heh...
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