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Old 12-12-2008, 10:48 AM   #239
Why, you're a regular Alfred E Einstein, ain't ya?
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Originally Posted by TheMercenary View Post
Agreed. But I do think they need to consider that they serve at the will of the people, for the people. They can reap their bennies upon exit from the Congress where they gain their popularity and can become rich later, after service. I would suggest that all levels of government, including retirement, and the military, forgo any cost of living increases or raises until things smooth out in a few years. JMHO
I will go along with that once a worker on a GM assembly line agrees to give up some of their 70 bucks an hour as a small sacrifice for saving their own jobs and livelihood. That's approximately 145 grand a year some of them make for the responsibility of putting a nut on a bolt. And in the grand scheme, aren't the wages of lower and higher level workers at GM, the subsequent failed business model, the domino effect of all the related businesses failing a huge part of our financial crisis in the first place?

Public service perhaps shouldn't make a billion dollars an hour, but the wages shouldn't be so low as to preclude anyone from ever even considering it as a viable employment option. As it is, the responsibilities they have are not really in line with what high level executives are paid. Small sacrifice for the greater good.

Exactly what selfish GM should do. Given the choice of sacrificing a bit (and still making a wage most of us will never ever see, even those of us in professional positions) or just letting the whole thing fall apart resulting in much worse economic conditions, the choice seems to be "fuck it...let it fall apart. I won't give up NUTTIN'."

I find this attitude puke-worthy.
A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones who need the advice.
--Bill Cosby
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