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Old 12-13-2008, 03:51 PM   #2998
Slattern of the Swail
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 15,654
Sundae--if it helps any, I was on a three day binger from tuesday until friday. i called the AA helpline,, my mom and dad (I spent last night at their house so if I had a seizure they would be there to take me to ER) and yeah, today sucks, but I'm not drinking today. Oh, and I had about a pint of vodka every hour or two. from tues to friday. Yeah, the withdrawal was insane. I love you. I am here for you,, such as my self is of any help. you are NOT alone.
In Barrie's play and novel, the roles of fairies are brief: they are allies to the Lost Boys, the source of fairy dust and ...They are portrayed as dangerous, whimsical and extremely clever but quite hedonistic.

"Shall I give you a kiss?" Peter asked and, jerking an acorn button off his coat, solemnly presented it to her.
—James Barrie

Wimminfolk they be tricksy. - ZenGum
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