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Old 12-16-2008, 11:24 AM   #3017
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Playing games with the system.

GPs in Aylesbury won't register me without photo ID.
I technically possess it, but I don't have it to hand.
I lost my driving licence and passport about 5 years ago.

Called up to get a replacement driving licence (£17.50, not so bad - passport is going to be more I think) and it will take 15 working days. That's three weeks even before you take off postage time, and three Bank Holidays in between.

I don't have enough anti-depressants to last three weeks.

This is a frustration of my own making - I should have replaced my driving licence years ago. I should have tried to register with a new GP the Monday morning after I moved here. I should have checked my medication before I started to see the bottom of the pill bottle.

The only minor defence I can offer is that I have registered at 3 different practices in my life and have never been asked for photo ID. I certainly have never been told, "No photo ID, no registration".

Have contacted an NHS helpline. See if they can do anything for me.
Thing is, I can't even just pop to A&E to see a doctor (the usual fallback, even though it costs the NHS a lot of money) because no emergency doctor is going to give me a 30 day prescription on my say-so. At least not without a fight.

I really make my own problems.
Still, I haven't had a drink since Friday.
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