Thread: Need Some Help
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Old 12-17-2008, 09:07 AM   #32
Your Invisible Rabbit Friend
Join Date: Feb 2007
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Posts: 528
I think the hike is an excellent idea. When I was leaving my ex I highly considered going on a 6 month survival hike from California to Canada.

Everyone is right... you should lay off the booze... tempting as it may be and find a more constructive mode of coping. Don't beat yourself up about decisions you made in your past. Everything happens exactly as it should... if anything else was supposed to have happened it would have. You know the saying follow your bliss? Well... I think it stands to reason that you shouldn't have to give up your passion for someone else.

Out of curiosity... have you spoken to her about any of this before now? Is it possible that she wouldn't want you to leave the military... is it possible that the break up could have been avoided... or that the relationship could be repaired simply through greater communication?

Have you considered counseling?
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