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Old 12-22-2008, 06:37 AM   #3074
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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She has Barrett's Oesophagus like her brother. Pre-cancerous cells. She'll get the official news on her follow up visit, but they confirmed it for her today verbally. She also has a large Hiatus Hernia.

Not really something to be happy about of course, but she knew both of the above anyway, so it's good to have it confirmed and know she will be able to receive any appropriate treatment.

But she has to lose weight and stop drinking, which won''t lead to harmony in this house I can tell you. Mum can give up drink easily - she has a casual relationship with alcohol, but Dad will find it very hard. He'll cut back, but Mum will be Ming the Merciless if he is ever under the influence when she is sober. I love her, but her tongue can be a WMD when she is in the right mood.

Ah well, I'm glad she's on the right track healthwise. And perhaps we can face this battle together - living here has made it harder for me to stick to healthy eating so far just because of the goodies I'm being faced with at every turn. I'll scour the internet for low fat recipes Mum & I can share and I'm sure Dad will come along for the ride. And after all, not drinking is really important for me too, and having my Mum on the warpath is a terrifying enough prospect to dry out someone far more alcohol dependent than me.

PS - Bri? Mum confirms she would have reacted exactly as you suggested, but forgives you anyway
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