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Old 12-26-2008, 04:18 PM   #3055
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Specifically Mum with Dad.
She told me tonight that if she had the money she would leave him tomorrow.

I'm sure this is not really the case, but I hate this nasty and spiteful side of her. This was all about Dad forgetting to pick up her de-caffeinated Diet Cokes to take to my sister's house. She made nasty comments all evening and even now when we're back she is still more or less ignoring him. I tried to calm her down and she snapped at me for trying to take his side and said, "If you don't like it that's tough shit."

I've come straight upstairs because I can't take her sniping - the things she says to him are far more disrespectful than him remembering to pick something up. If it was that goddamned important why didn't she handle it herself? She already says Dad has Alzheimers, is useless, only thinks of himself and never does anything right. Him forgetting has been taken as a personal insult, but she has hands of her own to pick the cokes up. And we stood waiting for the taxi for five minutes, if she's so organised how come she didn't check that the ONE bag my Dad was carrying, that obviously only held two selection packs, was somehow hiding a six pack of coke.

And don't think she suffered all noight - oh no. My BIL went to the local shop and bought replacement cans within 30 mins of us getting there. She had one and then went onto water, bitching about my Dad being pissed the rest of the night, when in fact it was about him not being able to hear the conversation. Did I mention he is supposed to wear a hearing aid and she's acted like this is a deliberate slight to her? She's having trouble behaving like a bitch about this since I've moved in because I have a slight hearing deficiancy too, and if my Mum started trying to put me down about it I'd fight back. I bite my tongue on a lot of things, but I won't be sneered at for something I genuinely cannot help. And neither should Dad.

She went into a spite-fest on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. In the first it was because Dad picked up a towel she's dropped on the floor and started drying up with it. It was dirty, Dad didn't notice. Well, silly old fool of course. But if Dad had just dropped a towel and Mum had picked it up, he'd have been in the wrong. Anyway, she went back to when Dad was 20 for that insult. Apparently it was the sort of dirty thing the Robinsons did in the house he grew up in. No wonder he and his brother (now dead) got TB.

On Christmas Day, Dad knocked the salt cellar out of the cupboard. An accident, could have happened to anyone. Oh no, it was all to do with Dad's clumsiness and how he didn't care about living in a dirty house. Odd, because when Mum smashed her own wine glass full of wine the other year it was our fault for crowding her in the kitchen, despite the fact we were performing our well-choreographed dance as kitchen helpers and were nowhere near the wine glass at the time. It was just another accident.

I hate it.
And when she's like this I hate her.
And this will be damned hard to get out of my head.
I'm not playing the lottery again while I live under their roof.

Sorry, I'm so angry right now.
I'm sure you can tell.
But I will swallow it and go downstairs and walk on eggshells because that's the only thing that will make my Dad's life easier.

If it wasn't for the fact she keeps the place both spotless and organised I'd wish her dead tomorrow.
Don't really mean it. Just fed up. And shocked she could say something that nasty about Dad.
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