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Old 08-21-2003, 02:52 PM   #50
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To continue with juju's comment... if we had 12 posts about Charles Manson and what a shitbag he was for orchestrating the murders of Sharon Tate and her guests, all of them accompanied by negative captions, would that also be wrong?

See, I don't think anyone here condones the killing of innocent people. That goes for both sides. It's just that, for the most part, you don't have Israeli suicide attackers. You don't hear about Israelis getting on Palestinian buses and detonating themselves and 20 victims. There have been a few attacks here and there, but you could probably count them on one mangled hand.

What Israel does do is target militants. It might not be <b>right</b> (depending on the meaning of your word), but most people have a much easier time stomaching this than they do thinking about Gal Eisenmann, the five year old that got blown up a year ago. (One of the many, I might add.)

What Undertoad is saying, and what I agree with, is that Palestinian militants that support and/or carry out attacks on innocent Israeli citizens are shitbags. The Israelis that bombed a Palestinian school a year or two ago (causing no casualties, thankfully) are shitbags as well. The bulldozer driver that ran over Rachel Corrie is, in my opinion, a shitbag. You show me an Israeli that has intentionally killed an innocent Palestinian and I'll show you - surprise - a shitbag. It's just that they're a lot harder to come across than Palestinian extremists.

It's not that there's some type of bias against innocent people. There's a bias against assholes that think they need to kill innocent civilians to get their way.
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