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Old 08-25-2003, 11:48 AM   #3
Posts: n/a
What I have taken from what he said, and what I interpret his point to be, is that a good leader won't be off vacationing while his people are toiling through an extraordinarily hot summer (to them, anyway - try Mississippi or Texas!). Whether or not he could be doing anything (perhaps organizing, say, lots of ice water for the people, though I understand public relations type things like this are the President's job and not the Prime Minister's) or not is sort of irrelevant; what it <b>looks like</b> is him enjoying his life because of his prestige while the normal people suffer back home.

Now, as far as a compassionate society, I think what he was trying to say is that a really compassionate leader would be suffering with his country, showing them that they're all in this together and they'll beat it together.

(On a side note, I don't understand why everyone's dying. It gets real hot here all the time. Big deal. Drink more fluids and stay inside, people!)
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