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Old 01-16-2009, 05:16 PM   #1
We have to go back, Kate!
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A couple of history questions

I just sat an exam for a module in 18th century history. The Second Hundred Years' War: Britain versus France 1715-1815.

For once I remembered to bring the question sheet back with me.

Two hours to answer two questions from a choice of six. Here're the two I chose to answer:

* How significant were individuals in the Anglo-French diplomatic relationship between 1715 and 1815?

* Assess the impact the Second Hundred Years' War had on contemporary British society and culture.

I skated through, I think. The second one probably got a more detailed analysis... the first one, I somehow managed to answer without talking about either contry's monarch (except to say hanoverian considerations drew Britain into conflict) and only mentioned one French statesman by name. I'm pretty sure I got my Pitts and Newcastles mixed up....somewhere...and I was exceedingly vague about some of the timeline...

Both were a bit heavy on narrative and light on evidence, and structure was abandoned as time got close. rather than trying to tie the last one together into a coherent ending, I bullet pointed a few additional points.

Hopefully it wasn't a fail :P
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