Thread: Homemade Bread
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Old 01-26-2009, 10:28 PM   #1
Knight of the Oval-Shaped Conference Table
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Vernon, BC, Canada
Posts: 378
Go to a second hand store and get a $15 bread maker.... I make my bread in the bread maker, then take it out, shape it, let it rise and bake it in the oven. My recipe does two full size loaves at a time. The bread has no preservatives and is quite good. It stays fresh for about 2-3 days... if you are eating that many sandwiches a week, you would have to make bread twice a week, or so.

my basic sandwich loaf:

2 cups warm water
3 heaping tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 heaping teaspoon yeast
3 tablespoons of margarine
1 heaping tablespoon of skin milk powder (optional)
5 1/2 cups flour

This makes great buns and stuffed buns as well ( I add ham and cheese or hamburger and cabbage into the middle of the bun, seal and rise/bake like normal... great with soup or "on the go" lunches)

I am sure you could make this without the bread maker, in would just be the basic bread instructions, so: mix, knead for 3 min, let rise 'til double, punch down, knead 3 min, then shape and let rise.. bake at 350 for as long as it takes until tapping the top sounds hollow and is golden brown ( usually 25-35 min for loaves)

I find it costs me less than $0.95 per basic batch, where right now bread in the store is $2-3.50 a loaf!

Last edited by Jaydaan; 01-26-2009 at 10:33 PM. Reason: added info
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