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Old 02-06-2009, 07:56 AM   #5
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: the edge of the abyss
Posts: 1,947
I rescued a tiny kitten once next to a convenience store. He was one of the sweetest, most loving (and absolutely gorgeous) cats I've ever had. Unfortuantely, he was hit by a car last year and died. He was only 3.

We have another feral that adopted us. (Right now we are splitting custody. I have him sometimes, and my ex has him sometimes.) He's very sweet and loving, but sometimes he and my other two cats don't always get along. They don't really fight, but they do posture a lot and swat at each other.

I have had cats pretty much my whole life. I've never had one go feral. but... sometimes cats just really like to walk around and "talk," a LOT.
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