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Old 02-06-2009, 03:40 PM   #15
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 25,964
'Broke' is a relative thing for me mainly. If I can afford to do the things i need/want to do then I am not broke. If someone invites me to a party that might involve me spending £50 and I only have £70 in the bank, I might say no on the grounds I am broke, or that it would leave me broke.

But if I am not planning on going anywhere and I have food in my kitchen a packet of fags and bus fare for my two days in uni, then I can have a fiver in my purse and nothing in the bank and not feel broke. Depends.

I'm at my comfort level if I have over £150 in the bank with less than 2 weeks til payday. That rarely happens :P Mind you.....actually that never happens, because I am always in overdraft. I am only out of overdraft three times a year when my student finance goes in :P By £150 in the bank, I really mean £150 in available funds.
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