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Old 02-13-2009, 09:23 AM   #38
King Of Wishful Thinking
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Originally Posted by dmg1969 View Post
I just love the irony of our free society. M.A. calls America The Great Satan (and Israel, The Little Stan) and calls for the destruction of both. Yet, we spend our taxpayer dollars to protect his scrawny, Member's Only wearing ass when he's here to attend U.N. functions. The funny thing is that most Iranians don't know about that. Let some nut take a shot at him or kill him while he's here though......

And, as for trying Bush for war crimes? Sure...right after you remove the sitting Treasury Secretary for not paying taxes and charging Tom Daschle. Oh wait...they're Dems, so that's OK.
Don't worry. We've tried to assassinate foreign leaders before and we'll do it again. But if we use very expensive bombs and missiles fired by guys wearing uniforms, it doesn't count as an assassination attempt.

We bombed the presidential palace in Libya in response to what we thought was Libyan involvement in a disco bombing. Since our air force can pretty much send a plane or a cruise missile with impunity against any country in the Middle East, we can take them out at will on their home territory and call it an 'act of undeclared war'.

1986 - US bombs Libyan military facilities, residential areas of Tripoli and Benghazi, killing 101 people, and Gaddafi's house, killing his adopted daughter. USsays raids were in response to alleged Libyan involvement in bombing of Berlin disco frequented by US military personnel.
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