Thread: The New Bailout
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Old 02-13-2009, 08:43 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by TheMercenary View Post
So you completely accept that the double standards being displayed are status quo and will be the SOP for the next 4 years or more, and that Obama, Pelosi, and Reid lied about any kind of bipartisan solutions.
None of that is true. What is true is your posts read like Rush Limbaugh wrote them. That means little is true and the wacko extremists are in a tizzy trying to blame anyone else for creating our disastrous economy - by spending because "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter". A direct quote from a wacko extremists who spend money as if is were free and expendable.

Three 747s packed nose to tail with pallets of 100 dollar bills flown into Iraq and distributed without any accounting. That is fiscal responsibility from the same Republicans who fear to spend on Americans - and then blame Obama.

No wonder wacko ring wing extremists are so hysterical. They must get us to forget who spend money on things that only create recessions and routinely subverted things that made America productive. "Mission Accomplished".

Always hype hysteria first to blame someone else for American losing jobs. A Rush Limbaugh technique right out of Hitler's playbook. Incite hate in society's least intelligent members.
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