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Old 02-13-2009, 09:25 PM   #145
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Originally Posted by Urbane Guerrilla View Post
Running wild? Not at all: discommoding the Left is hardly "running wild" among wise persons. The "rubber stamping" was bipartisan, I'll have you recall and henceforth keep in mind. Keep your memory good, or I'm likely to embarrass you.
Feel free to embarrass me by posting the roll call votes on the initia lPatriot Act or the Iraq war AUMF. I dont think a majority of Democrats voted for either. You might even add the Bush $1.5 trillion tax cuts that mostly benefited the top wage earners.

Trying to tell somebody who remembers the Congress did authorize the President to do whatever he had to to win the war, and did authorize the President to prosecute the conflict that matters were otherwise, doesn't say a lot for your understanding of recent history, Redux. See how very badly served hewing to liberal-left opinion leaves you? Congress' resolution did tell GWB "go to it." Nobody responsible or thoughtful (in other words, the left-liberals aren't in the picture) says otherwise.
Please read the Authorization of Use of Military does not give the president the authority to do "whatever he had to to win the war" which is how it differs from a Congressional "war powers" resolution. In fact, there were two AUMFs - one immediately following 9/11 (wide bi-partisan support) and a second to authorize the invasion of Iraq (not as bi-partisan).

The war powers are by no means "unprecedented." Compared to war powers during declared states of war, the Bush Admininstration's are somewhat reduced -- check what Roosevelt did with strikers during WW2. Granted, what we saw was a try at assuming war powers without the legal aegis of a Congressional declaration of war, which would have completely smoothed the President's road. Those exact war powers are still held by the Obama Presidency, by the way.
The difference that you fail to recognize from previous presidents (FDR). Congress declared war with a "war powers resolution". They did not for Bush's "war on terrorism"....there was no Congressionsal "declared state of war" as in WW II.

Many (most?) constitutional scholars, conservative and liberal, would suggest that an AUMF is not equal to a War Powers Resolution or Declaration of War.

Next- politicization of the Department of Justice
Here you seem to be mistaking the Bush Administration for its unfortunate predecessor. Watch your sources -- the Left is full of shitheads who assume their audience either has always had bad memories -- or convenient Memory Holes.
Please read the latest report (one of several) by Bush's own DoJ Inspector General (a liberal shithead?) on the politicization of the Dept of Justice over the last eight years. (Report slams politicized hiring process at DoJ) (DoJ Internal Report - pdf)

Last edited by Redux; 02-13-2009 at 10:42 PM.
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