Thread: PETA
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Old 02-20-2009, 04:28 PM   #37
Join Date: Nov 2008
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Originally Posted by wolf View Post
Which has what to do with what?

I'm a witch and likely have entirely different ideas than you about how the world hangs together, which is entirely different from how Elspode might approach the same questions.

You know what they say, ask 10 witches about an issue, and you're likely to get 15 to 20 different opinions.

At risk of derailing the thread ... based on other statements you have made, what is your position on a woman's right to choose?
Someone asked me if I was Hindu. I simply answered the question. I was not bringing that into the argument.

I know witches are very diverse groups of people, with all kinds of different ideas. I have known witches who weren't environmentalists, which to me, goes against the whole belief system. But part of being of a witch, at least in the sense that I call myself one, is also the idea that everyone is their own authority (I do not believe in heirarchical structures). If you know anything about Reclaiming or Feri, that is the system I follow.

To answer your question, I fully support a woman's right to choose.

Those are precisely the reasons that I attack.
And those are valid reasons to attack. But my argument for not using animals for testing follows that logic. At least it does in my mind.
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