Thread: PETA
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Old 02-22-2009, 12:28 AM   #43
Join Date: Nov 2008
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Originally Posted by wolf View Post
Then only selected portions of life are sacred to you.
Why? When you say life, you include all forms of life, and that includes bacteria and viruses and all kinds of things. Do you take medicine when you get sick? Then you are killing a lifeform. Do you swat mosquitos or flies or kill cockroaches? Killing a lifeform.

Believing all things are sacred does not mean you never destroy anything. It means you destroy as little as possible, and only when you really need to (we have to eat, one way or another, one form of life is dying to nourish us, whether plant, or animal). I do not have a problem with people eating meat, or drinking milk, I have a problem with the way the animals are raised and killed. We have to sometimes cut down trees, but that doesn't mean we should indiscriminately support destroying forests or trees, or clearcutting, for the sake of having wood. I am part Sioux, and that philosophy is a part of me. It is very akin to the principles of witchcraft. If you are a witch, you know there are creator/destroyer deities, and in practicing, you call on those attributes. In order to create, sometimes we have to destroy. The whole point is to do it honorably and mindfully.

And ftr, I do not think an embryo is the same thing as a human being. After an embryo reaches a certain point, I don't think women should have abortions, but I am not willing to force that on another, because they might not believe the same as I do. I don't think abortions should be used as birth control, but I also don't believe a woman should be forced to have a baby she doesn't want or cannot afford. Some women use birth control and still get pregnant. I don't think they should have to pay for that because it isn't their fault.

Last edited by sugarpop; 02-22-2009 at 12:34 AM.
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