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Old 03-02-2009, 04:18 AM   #99
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Well now there's a coincidence... I've been doing a lot of walking over the last week, and one of the walks I did took me through Broughton Crossing, home of the old Prince of Wales pub. It's now The Dog House as you can see. Shame - it's an ungainly name for such a lovely looking place.

We (very occasionally) used to go for a drink there when I was a child. It was more of an excuse for a walk to tire us out (it's about a five mile round trip from my house). Because it had/ has a large garden, it was a lovely place on a summer's evening.

Sadly the walk was not as pleasant as I remember it. The road is so much busier than I remember, even from 10 years ago. The country lanes are rarely quiet any more, and as there are no pavements (sidewalks) for half the route and the speed limit is 60, I spend a lot of time jumping onto the muddy verge.

Still, there are some lovely cottages that way and I did my best to capture them for y'all.

First, for Mike - The Dog House from the side and front.
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