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Old 03-06-2009, 08:02 PM   #39
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Parts unknown.
Posts: 4,081
I thought about getting a commemorative plate in Virginia. Not a vanity plate but one that's marked with a special emblem or logo (Georgia Tech's logo in my case).

They wanted $25 for it which I didn't mind paying. Once. But they wanted the $25 every year I had the plate. I asked why thinking that the $25 was for the trouble of making the special plate. They had no answer (other than we're greedy bastards and just want it). I pointed out that the next year, I would pay the same amount as someone getting a new commemorative plate except that the other guy would get a plate and I wouldn't and explained that the plates, therefore, must be free.

I got the usual blank DMV stare that you can only get at the DMV.
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