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Old 03-07-2009, 05:19 PM   #10
Why, you're a regular Alfred E Einstein, ain't ya?
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Originally Posted by Chocolatl View Post
So far, I am only missing my gallbladder. I can't help but imagine a little empty space where it used to be, and I always imagine that that area of my abdomen is concave, now.

I spent a long time insisting I needed to have my wisdom teeth removed, only to find out recently that I don't have any in the first place.

I guess if anyone has had Lasik, we might have a few pieces of eyeball missing?
Oh yeah, I'm missing my front tooth. Bridged now, but it happened in 2nd grade after I was chasing Steve on the playground. I fell and my tooth went up into my head...surgeries later they bridged it but not until I turned 18 and my head stopped growing. It's like caps only the left front one isn't hooked to anything.

Poor Sister Norbertine called my mom and was crying because she thought if she found my tooth they could replant it. Turned out it was behind my nose. LOL. can you not know you didn't have wisdom teeth? They're very crowding.
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--Bill Cosby
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