Thread: Mystery garden
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Old 03-12-2009, 10:30 AM   #2
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
whatever tools you buy, I'd suggest finding a flea market or yard sale type place with used tools. Much better to buy a shovel or garden rake for $5 than $30, and when you are buying 6-8 tools it adds up. Garden tools last decades, so a used one is fine.

I mostly use a long handled shovel, garden rake, leaf rake, mattock (the best dirt digging tool imho. Get one with an axe one on side and adze/hoe on the other. It's great for cutting through roots as you dig. This is an awesome tool.), bypass loppers, pruning saw. I also have an extension pole saw that gets used every year to trim branches that get too close to our power lines while staying safely on the ground.

There's lots of other stuff you can buy that would be useful, but that's what I would start with.
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