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Old 03-13-2009, 12:43 PM   #254
twatfaced two legged bumhole
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 3,143

2T +/- minced garlic
1/2 c. +/- onion (fresh is best, but flakes can be used if you cook them with the meat when it browns)
1 lb hamburger (or whatever meat or meat substitute you want)
1 can Campbells chicken gumbo soup
Heinz ketchup
French's yellow mustard
Seasonings of choice. I like Trader Joes 21 seasoning salute or Garlic Garlic and garlic or onion salt.
medium salsa/picante sauce (wtf is the difference, anyway??)

In large skillet brown hamburger. Pour cooked meat into spaghetti strainer sitting in 2 plastic shopping bags in garbage can*.

Use the residual fat in the pan to saute the onions and garlic while the hamburger is draining. When the onions are soft, add the hamburger back to the pan, then add the can of gumbo soup. Stir well.

From this point on, I don't really measure anything, I go by taste. My best guesstimates are:

Add ~1/4 c. yellow mustard, ~3/4 c. ketchup. (the last time i made this though, I cut back more on the ketchup and added more salsa/picante for a little more kick)
1 T. 21 seasoning salute.
1/2 T. onion/garlic salt
1 c. salsa/picante

Sorry, every time I make it, it's a little different depending on my mood and whatever seasonings I have in the cupboard.

At this point, you can throw it in a crock pot on low for however long you want, or let it simmer uncovered in the pan for 20 minutes then eat it right away. By letting it simmer with the lid off, it concentrates the flavors a bit, and isn't quite so 'runny'.

This keeps well in the fridge, I've never tried to freeze it. Leftovers are good on triscuits as well if you've run out of buns.

*Pouring grease down your sink will eventually clog your pipes and be very disgusting/expensive to clear. Even if you run the hot water. I learned this the hard way
Strength does not come from how much weight you can lift, or how many miles you can run. It comes from knowing that you set a goal, and rose to the challenge. Strength comes from within.

Last edited by LabRat; 03-13-2009 at 01:09 PM.
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