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Old 03-19-2009, 03:34 PM   #28
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I have a Pit Bull who is an absolute sweetheart. She is our second as we had a male for years until he passed away. The first one was the smartest dog I've ever had. Absolute lover for family and friends but if he didn't know you, you were not getting anywhere near my wife and not even within eyesight of lil lookout when he was a baby.

our current girl is a pretty big wimp. the only time she has shown any backbone is on a morning walk when we stumbled across a pretty good size diamondback. she wouldn't let my wife move in any direction but backwards. she snapped and snarled at the snake while forcing mrs L away.

We've had rottweiler's, labs, boxers, and german shepherds but the pit bulls have been the most family friendly of them all. 2.0 rides our girl now as she is his best friend.
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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