Thread: CyberBully
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Old 03-30-2009, 06:11 PM   #119
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
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Oh yeah I was also bullied briefly as a Senior in college, by some guys in my dorm hallway. That one never made any sense to me. I was willing to fight back, at that point I was not victimizable. But I would have been murdered in hand-to-hand combat with the guys doing it. So after about four ridiculous incidents, I fought back with a BB gun, spring loaded, looked like a hand gun. That only made them madder, until one guy actually threatened to kill me with a baseball bat, I mean bat in hand headed for my door, and had to be talked down. At that point everything stopped.

In the semester that followed, three things got most of the guys actually into my favor.

One was that I smoked the highest quality weed they'd ever had, and I would talk at length with them about bong additives. They were convinced that milk was the ideal bong water, because it made the smoke smoother. I pointed out that the fats in the milk would leech some of the THC from the smoke. They were happy to receive this tip. I was happy not to have to deal with the unusual stink combination of bong water plus spoiled milk.

Two, after they egged my door, I repainted it... with the address on the door written in huge letters in spray paint. It looked somewhat ghetto, but memorable. "I live at 100 Mohn Hall." "Oh! You're that guy!" The housing director liked me, so I never caught any shit for it.

And three, one day they were golfing with a nine-iron in the corridor. With a real golf ball. I came out and asked - "What are you guys doing?" They replied, "We're carpet golfing." I came back with "Well, always remember to replace your divots." and turned around and closed the door.

They loved that. Although they never did replace their divots.
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