Thread: The Obamanation
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Old 03-31-2009, 11:11 AM   #272
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Couples in the middle class used to be able to afford living on one income even while buying a house.
How much did that house cost? Did they have two new(er)cars? Did they multiple cell phones? Big screen TV's? The gap between the richest and poorest has increased obscenely but what you seem to ignore is that neither is standing still. The middle class and in fact the lower class are have and do much more than they did 30/50/70 years ago. Once playthings for the rich, luxuries like these are available to most of the people you see in day to day life.

I know many middle class couples today who live on one income. That is a choice they made based on their priorities. They live within their means knowing they earn less than dual income middle class couples.
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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