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Old 04-02-2009, 02:18 PM   #150
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
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Originally Posted by Undertoad
In the case of milk protein lactose, it's lack of enzyme lactase that's the problem... so brand Lactaid is just milk with a little lactase added. Maybe the answer is to add the appropriate enzymes?
Yes, I have since discovered that you can purchase the appropriate enzyme supplements. But they are expensive, and even the makers of the product tell you not to try to use it as a substitute for the elimination diet. They suggest instead that you do the diet, give your intestines many months to heal, and then slowly begin to reintroduce small amounts of casein/gluten in conjunction with the enzymes, to see if you can tolerate it. It's definitely a possibility for when he's older though, and has the self-control to understand why he's on the diet and why it's important to keep up with it. And maybe they'll be cheaper by then too.
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