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Old 04-03-2009, 05:20 PM   #13
the crowd goes wild!
Join Date: May 2007
Location: USA
Posts: 663
Oh, being invisible, or being able to grow a certain appendage to any size or shape (as in Mr. Fantastic's powers) would be cool. But if we stay out of fantasy land, then I wished I could sing better, play the guitar, speak 5-6 other languages fluently, be able to work on the car without rapping my knuckles, and always have the right answer when my kids ask me a question...those would all be good.
"The pride system tends to intensify the self-hate against which it is supposed to be a defense, since any failure to live up to one's tyrannical shoulds or of the world to honor one's claims leads to feelings of worthlessness." Bernard J. Paris, Ph.D.
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