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Old 11-16-2001, 09:24 PM   #76
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Jan 2001
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The beat marches on...

Portishead: Portishead--Some turd from one of my previous jobs took my live CD...bastard! In any case, this is a great (and least Stateside) CD. Beth Gibbons's voice is haunting. While the "trip-hop" sound is still present from their first record, Dummy, this record has more of a smoky jazz feel to it.

Radio Iodine: Tiny Warnings--Not to take away from the great Frank Zappa, but this is probably one of the best bands that nobody has heard of. A mid-90s take on guitar-based industrial. Two female vocalists. Produced by John Fryar (Depeche Mode, Stabbing Westward). I remember when their major-label debut came out in the summer of 1997...I was so hopeful of another St. Louis band breaking out into the big time. Unfortunately, they broke up a short time later.

Machines of Loving Grace: Concentration--A friend of mine, who knew I was a fan of Skinny Puppy and Ministry, recommended these guys back in late 1993. Great CD...don't know what happened to them after Gilt came out in 1995.
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