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Old 04-11-2009, 12:10 PM   #258
Colonist Extraordinaire
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Redondo Beach, CA (transplant from St. Louis, MO)
Posts: 218
Thanks for sharing that recipe over here, Urbane Guerrilla. My husband and I had "paper-wrapped" halibut as one of the entrees at our wedding, and it was so delicious I had to try it myself. I made that recipe one night as an experiment, because I had a bunch of leftover stuff I needed to use up, but that weren't enough for full portions of anything by themselves. We loved it, so I can definitely recommend it.

I haven't had a chance to read through this thread thoroughly yet, but I did search through it and didn't find any recipes posted for brisket, so I thought I'd share mine. I adapted it from my step-mother's recipe, which calls for sealing it in aluminum foil, putting it in a glass baking dish surrounded by water, then babysitting it for hours, replenishing the water constantly. Doing it her way and not getting to it soon enough to add water when it dried up, caused my glass baking dish to explode in the oven! This is truly the "set it and forget it" method. . .

Jill's Famous Brisket

The modification at the bottom is also mine (and doesn't have to be used only for the reason I created it - Passover, obviously), and I can tell you it's exactly as delicious as the soup mix version, in fact, maybe even better, as I like the real mushrooms that end up in the gravy, and Better Than Bouillon is to die for yummy.

Off to go read this thread from the beginning. . .
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