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Old 04-15-2009, 03:07 PM   #5
I know, right?
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 1,539
Wow, I can really relate.

My daughter is a chatterbox. She doesn't talk all THAT much, but she has this annoying habit of reading things out loud to anyone who will listen. Cereal box? candy wrapper? Magazine article? The instructions to the homework assignment she wants help with? All must wait and sit pretending to be totally enthralled, hanging on her every word until she is finished or else she gets really pissy. And it's just much easier to wait till she shuts up.

I find this exceptionally annoying because I am not an aural person. I have told her many times that if she reads something out loud to me, I'm probably just going to have to read it myself anyway before I understand it. She's just wasting time. She does this because she likes to have people watching and listening to her. All. The. Time.

Still, I love her, I really do.
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