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Old 11-17-2001, 08:53 PM   #82
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 12,486
Re: "Progressive Rock"

Originally posted by Dafydd Wynne-Evans
Dream Theater
I haven't listened to them in years, but I used to dig them. A good prog rock band in the vein of Rush.

Pearl Jam
Around early 1992, my group of friends in high school would toss around all these "new bands" we were hearing about.

One friend: "Man, you have to check out this band Nirvana! They're really loud...and you can't understand their words!"

Me: "Oh man, check out this band Soundgarden! The lead singer just wails!"

Another friend: "You have got to hear this band Pearl Jam...they're like the next Zeppelin!"

Ah...those were good times.

Pink Floyd "Dark Side of the Moon"!
I remember buying that was CD #200 in my collection as a matter of fact. I used to love listening to that CD half-crocked.

Their greatest hits collection was #2 on the US albums chart this week...after Miss Spears and in front of the King of Pop. Not bad for a band that hasn't put out a studio record in 6 years, and is considered a "dinosaur band" by some. Bah!
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