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Old 11-17-2001, 11:51 PM   #9
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Originally posted by Scopulus Argentarius
<< Tell me. Are you wanted for any crimes in any American states? A bench warrant for your arrest in Alaska could exist even though you did nothing. Take a vacation to Alaska and, instead, spend those two week in an Alaska jail. Whose freedoms and liberties were violated simply because no National ID existed?
No. I doubt that would happen. Possible but not probable.
But this has occurred on mutliple occassions. I no longer have actual details, but this was one of the first events that started me questioning our serious lack of identity protection.

Originally posted by Scopulus Argentarius
We have laws already in place (albeit somewhat weak) to take care of the individuals who try to steal our identities.
Actually we don't. PA only recently enacted some laws to protect from identity theft. I don't know the details.

Even 1 year ago in PA, someone could use your identity, trash your credit ratings, and you could not even sue in civil court. Why? You could prove no loss from a trashed credit rating. That is correct. Nationally, neither goverment (criminal action) nor yourself (civil action) could prosecute someone or recover compensation for your trashed credit ratings.

We have not addressed the crime called identity theft AND we have not created any protection from that crime. This is what a lady who ran the Passport system was saying - what - ten plus years ago. It is just another reason why Passports are so easily sold on the black market. For all you know, a US Passport could be issued in your name to a terrorist. His actions would place you on a most wanted list. You would never know until SWAT busted down your door expecting to confront a fully armed terrorist nest.

Now lets say bin Laden was using you passport to visit the US for medical treatment. He traveled to the US under your name. He chalked up $250,000 in medical bills in Boston and $50,000 in credit card bills. Those bills go to collection agencies who go after you. Your credit rating is trashed. You can never work on another classified government job nor any company who also does that work. You are forced to spend weeks unraveling all those leins on your house and other property. And you cannot even sue bin Laden because you cannot prove financial loss.

Now credit card companies and hospital could sue for their losses. But you have no rights and no protections because you suffered no financial losses and you have no National ID system to even detect that bin Laden was using your identity.
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