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Old 04-18-2009, 02:13 PM   #1
King Of Wishful Thinking
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Mobwars on Facebook

So I'm playing Mobwars on Facebook, and someone puts out a contract on me. This means that people whose levels are way above mine swoop in and pound on me until I am dead. The contract cost a few hundred million.

This results in a small loss of money to me and 42 lost experience points.

It turns out that the person who put out the contract, while above me in level, is underpowered. So I rig the person's ignition, which would kill them the next time they put out a contract on me. I did this because it only costs half the price of a hit, but more importantly because this person had racked up a lot of kills, probably by taking out contracts and also by rigging ignitions. So the chances were that they had rigged my ignition expecting me to react in kind.

Then I attacked my enemy directly, many many times. I got points and money each time I won, which was every time. I think I replaced the lost money and experience, but I still had a 'killed' on my permanent record.

The next day, the person tried to put out another contract on me, and got nailed by the ignition trap. They still put out a contract on me and I died again.

Mobwars is difficult in one respect. After a person drops below a 35 health points, they go into the hospital. The only way to kill a person in an attack is to hit them down to just above 35 points, with the final attack causing more than than that number of points.

So far I have only been able to put my attacker in the hospital - many times.

I could put a contract out, but my ignition is probably rigged. They could put another contract out, but after the first demonstration they have probably guessed that their ignition is rigged so they will have to die once to do it.

I'm individually stronger than my attacker, but so far not by enough to kill them. But I can pound them over and over until I level up so far that the system won't let me.

This whole vendetta concept is interesting and even a little fun when real lives aren't at stake.

So, anyone here who has an account on Facebook want to join my mob?

BTW, I just attacked someone called Spode. Anyone we know?
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Last edited by richlevy; 04-18-2009 at 02:20 PM.
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