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Old 04-19-2009, 09:20 AM   #8
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 25,964
God, I wish I'd been as conscious about it as that :P

Apropos of nothing: my recent computer troubles reminded me that I lost my poetry file when my last comp died (a couple of years ago). So I thought it be a good idea to go through my old threads in creative expression and retrieve the poems I've put there over the years. I haven't kept any poems from before my Dwellar days...not many stories kept either (moved around a lot and lost the odd hard drive over the years), but that's ok, because I don't think I wrote decent poetry back then. Stories yes, but my poetry was awful. The Cellar's been great for that; I now have a place to post them, therefore a purpose in completing them.

Anyway, I was quite surprised to find there are 13 altogether. they span the entire time I've been here, starting with a prose poem in 2004 :P I've had a thoroughly lovely time revisitng my thoughts from those years. The stuff happening in my life and the state of mind I was in. Ahhh.....right....back to my dissertation ....why am I fannying about retrieving old poetry?
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