Thread: Workkin' Out!
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Old 04-23-2009, 09:19 AM   #5
twatfaced two legged bumhole
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 3,143
UT- it's easy how fast time flies when you take a break. I thought it had only been a week since I swam last, turns out it had been two! I *triple* checked the calendar and my training log in utter disbelief. You and J will find your rhythm, just keep at it .

jinx and lj- the one thing I miss about going to a gym is the weight machines. I have a really nice set of free weights and ball at home and know a gazillion possible exercises, but I just can't get into strength training on a regular basis. I know, know, know, it will only help me be a better athlete, but gah, I just can't get into it. Maybe if I put in a full length mirror...I dunno what my problem is. Now that it's getting nice outside, it's even harder to hang out in the cold lonely basement.

The machine you are talking about in #8 was one of my favorites. The one I used to use had a pin to pull so you could switch it to do abs and back. I loath crunches on the floor, but loved this machine. The other one I loved was one where you rested your arms elbow to wrist on a padded bar, then raised your arms like you were doing the chicken dance (sort of like this one). The inner and outer thigh machines I miss too, it's hard to work those muscles properly without a machine. --don't go for the easy joke

mtp- besides the goal, do you have a plan? Goals without plans are just called dreams I had asthma in HS that showed up during the track season in humid weather. Just start off slow and build gradually. Hopefully it shouldn't be a problem then. Once I moved out of my parents house and away from their cigarette smoke, I never had a problem with it again.
Strength does not come from how much weight you can lift, or how many miles you can run. It comes from knowing that you set a goal, and rose to the challenge. Strength comes from within.
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