Thread: Global warming?
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Old 04-26-2009, 02:29 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by sugarpop View Post
I don't think climate change is all due to "evil mankind" classic, but I DO think we play a pretty big part in what is going on.
The smoking gun was reported just a few years ago. Most every responsible scientist who had doubts (the few that still remained) were convinced by that ocean temperature data. Even the George Jr administration softened its denial - which says how overwhelming the smoking gun really was.

Every so often, some researcher is discovered by Fox News as dissenting. Then wackos preach that dissent as if all scientists disagree.

No doubt exists that mankind has created a significant climate change (when intelligence replaces a political agenda). What remains is how much and which means are doing the most damage. For example, Nitrogen oxides are now suspected to be even more destructive than carbon oxides by a factor of three. But no responsible scientist is disputing man's destructive effects to climate. The only debate is how destructive - how fast the damage will occur.

Notice who is in denial - classicman. He says "The earth has always had climate change and always will." Being an extremist, he must avoid numbers. The earth has never seen a spike of these gases so quickly. The earth has never seen temperatures spike anywhere near so quickly. What once took tens of thousands of years occured in only 100 years. Extremists must ignore numbers to believe what Rush Limbaugh and their political handlers tell them to think. Wacko extremism is alive and well. No wonder they also attack Obama on everything. Their politics tell them global warming does not exist. Same logic used by the Brown Shirts to believe what Hitler told them.

Eliminate Wingnut News reports and those global cooling myth disappear. It tells you where people like classicman get their information. Notice where his citations come from. The extremist fringe of the Republican party - not from any responsible science publication - Science, Nature, Cell, Scientific American, etc. He knows only because he read extremist politician propaganda.

Global warming is a fact. The evidence is being hardened every years by people whose history was not to subvert science. classicman knows global warming does not exist because his source are the same people who openly advocate the destruction of science to promote their political agendas. No way around where those global warming claims come from. Same people who also said Saddam and bin Laden conspired to attack the WTC. Same people who found professors such as Behe of Leigh Universiry who said Darwinism is wrong.

They will find and promote anyone for a political agenda - science be damned. Wacko extremism is alive and well. The only remaining question is how fast and how destructive global warming will be.
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