Thread: Global warming?
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Old 04-29-2009, 09:38 PM   #2
trying hard to be a better person
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brisbane, Australia
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The government has a number of energy saving programs in place including a 'health check' where you pay $85 and they come in and put a switch on so you can see how much energy you're using as well as replace all your old lightbulbs with energy saving alternatives. They also check your metre box and suggest ways in which you could save energy.

We also now (as part of one of the stimulus packages) have the option of claiming up to $1600 to insulate the roof of your house in order to save on heating and cooling bills.

As you probably know, our new government signed off on Kyoto last year and are in the process of refining a carbon emissions trading scheme which was due to begin in a couple of years, but due to the financial crisis, it might be put off. Time will tell with that one, but it's in the works, and it'll happen one way or another sooner or later.

I support all these moves, and believe Australia is heading in the right direction. We still have one of the highest emission outputs per capita in the world though, so we need to work on that. Our population is so small though, that in real terms, we're responsible for less than 1% of all pollution in the world. It's the per capita that I personally think we need to be more aware of though.
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