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Old 05-03-2009, 08:18 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by TheMercenary View Post
You don't read very well, or you just want to focus on one aspect of Will's commentary. As I stated. I am less concerned with what Obama says he thinks he is going to do as I am with what the final product is going to be coming out of Congress and how they vote on it in the end. {See bold in Will's commentary, which is factual.}

Do I really need to continue to link you back to my previous posts to make that point?
And I asked you to provide any cite that Congress is even considering a single payer, govt run health care system that would drive out the private sector....and you wont or cant.
"We are not Europe. We are not Canada. We need a uniquely American solution. It has to be a partnership of public and private players." -- Sen Max Baucus, the Democrat point man on health reform in Congress.
Fact...there is no Democrat plan or even remote suggestion for a single payer, govt run health care system.

Do I need to continue to point out the baseless conservative bullshit you post?

The only thing factual in that editorial is that the Democrats, like the Republicans before them, may use reconciliation on a health care reform bill...and even that is questionable w/o support of guys like Baucus.

Last edited by Redux; 05-03-2009 at 08:24 AM.
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