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Old 05-03-2009, 12:04 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by classicman View Post
Your attack is misdirected. I posted the editorial by George Will not Merc.
It looks to me like Merc posted the George Will editorial....but you are often interchangeable.

I thought it was another example of a dishonest editorial:
reconciliation is not something new to the Democrats...the Republicans used it on numerous occasions

there is no plan to "put the nation on a glide path to a "single-payer" — entirely government-run — system" as Wills suggests and you highlighted.

and this closing bullshit about torture - four of the president's 15 Cabinet members are former members of Congress, as are the president, vice president and White House chief of staff. So seven of the administration's 18 most senior figures might usefully answer those questions, and this one: What did you do about what you knew?
Not one of these Cabinet members or senior officials were on the leadership of the Intel Committees..and therefore had no briefings on the torture memos.
Everything about that editorial was either false or misleading.

So what you are saying is that a Gov't run plan will save those of us who are already paying? Could you please expound on that and cite examples of when any Gov't run plan saved anyone money. Gov't run programs are inherently loaded with bureaucratic costs and obscene costs much more than the private sector and virtually always slow to adapt as the politicians and lobbyists have to get their "piece" of the pie.
I will say it again..since you dont seem to get it.

There is NO plan on the table for a government-run, single payer system.

The most likely proposal is a mix of public-private options....workers with employer plans could keep those plans... and to stimulate greater competition by including options comparable to the govt employees plan, which is govt administered but with a mix of private providers.

Small businesses would be encouraged to create health pools and join a plan comparable to the govt employees plan...administered by a govt agency with a range of private insurers providing various levels of coverage (PPO, HMO, etc) at varying rates, from which those small business employers/employees could chose.

One more time.....there is NO plan for a government-run, single payer system.

Last edited by Redux; 05-03-2009 at 12:28 PM.
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