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Old 05-14-2009, 12:05 PM   #160
polaroid of perfection
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Originally Posted by Kingswood View Post
I hope you don't use a "DRIVE THRU" very often, as you would be so startled by that spelling that you would probably rear-end the car in front.
In addition to Dani's very sensible response, I would like to add that DRIVE THRU is used in the UK seldom to never.
The "tho" and "thru" spellings are both found in dictionaries, both listed as "informal". The "thru" spelling has a long pedigree; it was in widespread use before 1750 but was not preferred by Johnson when he published his Dictionary.
Yay for antiquated spelling! Look, it didn't catch on then, so why should it now.
A top-down approach is used - and does work - for French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese and most other major languages.
How many of those languages do Dwellars spell in? Through trade routes, imperialism and the doggedness of American culture, English is the most widespread of all these languages despite its faults.

I am interested in your argument. I like to see different sides to issues, even if I didn't even know they were issues to start with. But this is a non-starter. English - as has been eloqently explained - is an adaptive language. And it will continue to adapt.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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