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Old 05-18-2009, 02:11 AM   #10
Resident President
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 81
Tiki: I completely understand that proposing doesn't solve problems. I get that. As I said, I thought we'd turned a corner. It seems that I was wrong that things were better.

Clodfobble: You hear "Wow. I hope he/she proposes soon...or else he/she will lose them" once, and it gets in your head. Insidious. Forever is a long time, especially if you're living with a sense of regret for not getting it out in the open how you feel. Clearly, it's risky. But please, I'm still struggling with the action/inaction thing. I'd love to hear how great it is to know for sure that both sides are absolutely at the best possible point to have some fairy tale thing of being able to wait a lifetime knowing that "tomorrow will be just as sure as today", regardless of taking the chance for actually making a commitment.

lumberjim: Thanks. I thought we were approaching a point of commiseration. I'm hoping she's not a nutter. I'm hoping she saw the concreteness of it and panicked. Time will tell.

BigV: check.

I guess where I'm at is this mess of trying to react to all possible situations. I'm trying hard to focus on her words and her intent and I've got this noise of badly written sitcom plots and nonsense pop psychology constantly eating at my brain and it gets easy to forget what she says or does...

I'm feeling weak, small, and alone.
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