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Old 05-19-2009, 10:49 PM   #98
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Originally Posted by Aliantha View Post
I note also that there are a couple of points in the course of the article worth consideration, such as 'All vaccinated boys, removing one county with unusual results (Multnomah, OR)'. It'd be interesting to know what that unusual result was. They also suggest that they don't consider this survey to be proof of the link, only that it proves there should be more research into the issue.
I think it's really odd, and interesting, that they removed the county with the highest population and the only major metropolitan area in the state.

I am also concerned at the lack of addressing a single very important built-in bias in the survey that is linked to it being a survey and therefore reliant on the accuracy of self-reporting; that families who choose not to vaccinate, unless they are carefully screened, may also be less likely to have their children tested for neurodevelopmental issues. The exclusion of Multnomah County heightens this possibility due to the reduced likelihood of developmental disorder screening in rural areas, and it is compounded, if you restrict the survey to suburban and rural areas, by the correlation between non-vaccinators and homeschoolers, as homeshoolers are far less likely to screen for mild neurodevelopmental disorders.
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