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Old 05-24-2009, 01:39 PM   #1444
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
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I've just finished a poor book called In This Skin by Simon Clark.
I thought it was a vampire novel from the cover (I'm a library member again now! so I choose by cover if I want to) but it was more a monster book. It had great promise, featuring a spooky run-down dancehall in Chicago, people with mysteriously fast-healing wounds and a terrifyingly disgusting character glimpsed on occasion. But it just because a bit blah, and was actually quite saccharine from about 2/3 in.

Next is Bite Club by Hal Bodner.
This one is definitely a vampite book as it tells me on the cover, "A West-Hollywood Vampire Novel". Might start it tonight.

Just finished The Margarets by Sheri S Tepper.
Not one of her best. Or maybe it's because I've read a couple of hers back to back (I got out two I had already read - I love the luxury a library permits!) The cumulative effect is a bit preachy. Also, a jarring momnet - in this ideal Earth that is being created after all the people who have lots of babies are sorted out (recurring Tepper theme) she reintroduces dairy herds.

*Spang* I immediately question this, which takes me out of the novel.

Now I'm by no means a card carrying member of PETA. I love me some dairy products. But this ideal Earth is being monitored by intergalactic bodies (also recurring theme so not giving away any plot here). I am dubious as to whether they would approve of human dairy consumption, given so many people worldwide are lactose intolerant, that cows suffer in order to supply us with constant milk and that as a lactating species ourself it is not biologically sound for us to drink another animal's lactation, designed to promote growth of a completely different animal.

Anyway. That's just what I thought
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