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Old 05-29-2009, 04:44 AM   #82
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Damn. Came back to here as it seemed like the right thread for my new London pics, forgot how much I loved my job. I've been trying to convince myself it was crummy, but it wasn't. Sigh.


On Weds I went to London. I saved the train fare (far and away the most expensive part of any trip) over the last three weeks, and also had some money to get my hair cut. Funnily enough, it costs almost twice as much in l'il old Aylesbury as it does in the Big Smoke. Then again, the place I have it cut is very unusual - it's the only place I know that cuts hair as cheaply, or as well.

I planned to meet my bro after my haircut and before the screening I was going to. On the day I was so glad I was meeting Stevo. The whole trip down I was feeling very vulnerable and not looking forward to my Big Day Out at all. Ridiculous - I've never had an issue with being in London alone before. Still, that's where I was. Luckily, once I had my hair cut I lost my worries and enjoyed my day. Haircuts are not on my list of Nice Things, but this one was fine. So silly to worry so much about things.

After the cut (Covent Garden) I hopped on over to Waterloo Station. Still my favourite part of London because this is the area Nan and Grandad lived in, and we spent our school holidays in. Walked up the South Bank to Westminster Bridge.

The London Eye for you.
And a Dali elephant with the Houses of Parliament in the background.
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Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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