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Old 10-07-2003, 02:44 AM   #1
St Petersburg, Florida
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,423
Micro non-manager

I started a new job a couple weeks ago and things have been going pretty well. There are a few redflags I am seeing now and I'd like some input.

The short explaination is this little snag goes like this:

There is a man working on the production line with me that is not the manager or supervisor that *insists* on managing/controlling me and some other new people. Normally, I dont get upset about advice or instruction directly related to my job. I know I dont know a lot about the work and the company. There are 2 very specific things that annoy me about him though.

1) If you dont do something exactly as he directs it done, he acts as if you are "fucking with his authority" even if the reality is you are having difficulty understanding or executing his instructions.

2) His commands extend into non-work related matters. The only example I can think of at this moment was his "command" for me to sit down in the break room because I had gotten up to return back to the line before he and the other newbies. He said we had a few minutes left. I just ignored him which made him pissy.

Now, I have dealt with people in my life. I have also had jobs working with people and I have a good idea how companies work.

It's best that I get a suitable strategy for dealing with this one particular guy because I intend on working there for at least a year, until I earn my CS degree. If I dont find some constructive method I wont be able to stay. From the moment I met this guy he has rubbed me, and more than a few others, the wrong way.

The first day I started he made it a point to tell me:

* He was a Marine in Nam and he can kick anyones ass in the plant

* He has killed people in the Marine corp and he could see himself doing it again, aint no big deal

* he doesnt take shit from anyone

* He is worth over a million dollars ( and yet he has decided to work at a sink factory for 10 bucks an hour )

* He has a wife and a girlfriend (and he doesnt give a fuck)

* he can drink a horse under the table

* basically whatever you have done/seen/been, aint shit compared to what he did or does.

Now I will say hes a strong guy and a good worker. I also have a great respect for veterans, especially Marines. Too bad hes such a dumbass.

My personal plan is to avoid him as well as reasonably possible during lunch/breaks, ask him if there is anything he sees me doing that is wrong, explain exactly why I'm not doing any given thing precisely as he does it, and talk to the real supervisor every night, even if for just 2 minutes. The real super is very hands off and I get along with him great. I dont want to create any conflict between MarineGuy and the super.

What I am looking for are success stories with similar people or creative diplomatic solutions from your own experience.

Last edited by slang; 10-07-2003 at 02:48 AM.
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