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Old 10-07-2003, 03:42 PM   #14
Resident President
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Very, very, rural Mississippi
Posts: 83
If you had said Army instead of Marines, I'd swear you were working with my ex-husband.

Tell me, is he tall, thin, balding and does he chain smoke like there is no tomorrow? War stories out the ying-yang but doesn't say when or where they happened, except for generalized locations, doesn't mention unit designations or people?

Sounds like he could possibly be a 'fake vet'. There are a few web stites where you can look the info up. I'll look them up and post them under another topic.

Got to love all those millionaires who will work on an assembly line for ten bucks an hour. Bet he's so full of crap it's running out his ears.

Seriously, though, what he's doing is considered creating a hostile work enviroment. Keep a log of what he says and does, and take it up with your human resources people. Chances are there have been previous complaints. It will also help if there are other people willing to go along with you.

Maggie M...
Why kill them when you can make them live and suffer?
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